BBS welcomed the new students during the orientation day for the class of 2023 where they were introduced to the Business Foundations program, the schedule of the classes, the BBS policies, and finally the faculty and staff. This year we have admitted 85 students to the program with %64 female acceptance.
BBS founder, Ms. Christine van den Toorn, welcomed the students of BBS’s third cohort and explain the overall view about the program and how it is going to help them in their career and professional life. The students were introduced to the Professional English curriculum by Ms. Zainab Abbas, the English Language Program Coordinator. Then, Mr. Ahmed Al-Tabaqchali, a Business Instructor at BBS, emphasized to the students the importance of acquiring professional skills as well as the positive impact of that on the students’ future jobs in the private sector.
During the coffee break, the new students chatted with each other and had some ice-breaking activities as well as with BBS faculty and staff. Subsequently, they were elaborately introduced to the classes they will study and the rules they have to follow throughout the period of the program.
The orientation day was concluded with a meeting between the students of the third cohort and the alumni of the last two cohorts of BBS. The alumni talked to the new students about their experiences at BBS. The students are now ready to start their upcoming semester next week.